
75.38 - UI人员的搬家费用报销


  • 位置: 应付账款经理
  • 电子邮件: ap-staff@ngskmc-eis.net

最后更新: 2018年5月1日

A. 一般. 为了招聘到最合适的人才. UI will reimburse a newly hired employee for actual and reasonable moving expenses as a condition of securing his or her employment, 受下列限制. 除了, UI可能, but is not obligated to reimburse actual and reasonable moving expenses when a cur任t employee is transferred from one official station to another within the state [intrastate] for the benefit and convenience of UI. [ed. 7-07, 2-18, rev. 11-10]

B. 批准、限制和所需资金. All or some portion of the moving expenses of an employee may be reimbursed when the payment is in UI’s interest, 当资金到位时, 在得到总统的书面批准后, 教务长, 副总裁, 或者是院长, 在某些情况下, 在实际搬迁之前,由考试委员会审核. Maximum moving expense reimbursement will not exceed the lesser of 10% of the employee’s base salary or $15,000. 如多于一名家庭成员受雇于该协会, moving reimbursement will be allowed for one employee only and the amount will be based on the employee with the greater base salary. The University reports all moving reimbursements to the Secretary of the Board of Examiners annually. (牧师. 11-10, 2-18, ed. 5-18]

C. 确定搬家费用. 本节中使用的搬家费用, mean the actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the relocation of household goods and also travel expenses (mileage or airfare, 食宿), 在某种程度上,它们与家庭用品的运输直接相关. [ed. 7-07, 今年,牧师. 2-18]

D. 界定的家居用品. 家居用品是指家居陈设, 个人的影响, 以及用于维持和享受住宅的正常设备和用品, 包括员工的专业图书馆. (牧师. 2-18]

E. 可获发还款项的项目. 可报销的搬家费用(须提供原始收据)包括. 2-18]

  • One house-hunting trip for up to two people (travel, lodging and in-state per diem for up to 5 days)
  • Transportation of household goods and 个人的影响 (see limitations in paragraph F below)
  • Personal property insurance up to replacement value not to exceed $100 of additional insurance premium in excess of that provided by the mover
  • 家居用品存放期限连续不超过30天
  • 最多两辆私人车辆的运输(见下文第G段)
  • 搬家过程中支付的停车费和过路费
  • Travel expenses (lodging and per diem) for employee and up to 3 dependents one-way to employment location for a reasonable transit period, 不超过10个日历日

F. 不包括在报销范围内的项目. 学校不报销露营者的交通费用, 预告片, 船, 雪地摩托, 飞机, 非雇员主要住所的活动房屋, 炸药, 易燃物, 枪支, 弹药, 易腐食品, 建筑材料, 沙子, 动物, 植物, 柴火, 或者其他非家居用品. UI does not reimburse expenses incurred in any real estate transactions associated with the move, 也不是地毯, 布料, 或其他清洁服务, 拆卸或重新组装物品, 设备服务, 或对结构或项目的改变. It is suggested that employees personally arrange for moving of articles of high sentimental value, 珠宝, 可转让, 还有收藏品. [ed. 11-10, ed. & 任. 2-18]

G. 运输车辆发还款项. UI可能 reimburse the employee for one-way transport of up to two (2) privately owned vehicles (POV) from the old to the new location by the most economical means. The UI and employee shall choose the most economical mode of transportation from the following:

G-1. 驾驶车辆. The employee (or dependent) may drive the vehicle(s) and receive reimbursement at the cur任t state mileage rate (no receipt required) for use of privately owned vehicles plus per diem and lodging pursuant to UI travel policy; or (牧师. 今年,牧师. & 任. 2-18]

G-2. 商用车辆运输. The employee may hire a commercial moving company to transport the vehicle(s) and receive reimbursement for the transport charges plus travel expenses for the employee and dependents pursuant to UI travel policy. (任. 2-18]

H. 限制. 根据国家考试委员会的政策, an employee’s household move must meet the Distance and Time tests below to qualify for reimbursement of moving expenses.

H-1: 距离: A newly hired or relocated employee’s new work assignment must increase his or her commute by at least 50 miles. If the employee is starting a first full-time job or resuming full-time work after a substantial period of unemployment or part-time work, 新的工作地点必须离雇员的旧住所至少50英里.

H-2: 时间: Moving expenses qualify for reimbursement when incurred within one (1) year from the date the employee started work at UI. (添加. 2-18]

I. 员工的义务. If an employee who receives moving expense reimbursement fails to fulfill his or her contract or appointment obligation and voluntarily resigns within one (1) year of the beginning date of employment, 他或她将被要求将收到的搬家费用报销的100%偿还给UI. 获得超过5美元搬家费用报销的个人,000 and who voluntarily resign more than one year and less than two years from the beginning date of employment will be required to repay the amount of reimbursement exceeding $5,000. 收到搬家费用报销超过10美元的个人,000 and who voluntarily resign more than two years and less than three years from the beginning date of employment will be required to repay the amount of reimbursement exceeding $10,000. 尽可能地, 这些还款将从员工的最终工资中扣除, 并签署《365滚球官网》. [ed. 7-07,牧师. 11-10, 2-18]

J. 付款程序和方式.

J-1. 发还搬家费用. After an offer letter is sent to the new employee, a copy must be sent to Purchasing 服务. (牧师. 11-10]

i)部门向该员工或潜在员工发出书面录取通知书, 并将副本交给采购服务部. 录取通知书必须包括:(牧师 .. 11-10]

a) the moving expense allowance dollar amount; (牧师. 11-10]

b) the consequences of the employee’s failure to fulfill his/her contract; and [ed. 11-10]

C)披露报销的搬家费用的应税性质.[ed. 今年,牧师. 2-18]

ii)将副本发送给采购服务部. (牧师. 11-10]

iii)采购服务部向新员工发送一封UI欢迎信, 其中确定了几个移动代理并解释了UI的移动程序. 新雇员负责安排他们搬家的一切事宜. (牧师. 11-10, 2-18]

iv) The new employee must submit a completed “Moving Expense Reimbursement Form” with an adequate accounting (original receipts, invoices or similar record) for eligible moving expenses to his or her department contact for reimbursement within 60 days of the completion of the move. 该表格可在应付账款表格页面上获得. (添加. 2-18]

v) UI将通过员工工资单报销员工的符合条件的费用, 与适用的联邦和州的税收和其他要求扣减. (添加. 2-18]

K. 信息. 有关符合条件的搬家费用的问题,请参阅新员工搬家费用页面- http://eq6c.ngskmc-eis.net/finance/controller/accounts-payable/moving-expenses. [ed. 7-07, 11-10, 2-18]

L. 提供的信. 在录取通知书中应添加以下信息. 11-10]


允许的搬家费用包括家庭用品的运输, 家庭搬迁, 两辆私人车辆的交通费, 还有一次找房子的旅行. 采购服务(purchasing@ngskmc-eis.net, 208-885-6116)将协助您解决与搬迁有关的问题. [2-18]

Household moves are further governed by all provisions of the Idaho State Board of Examiners policy, 可在州审计长网站上查阅.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 repealed the exclusion from gross income for qualified moving expense reimbursements beginning in 2018. 因此, all expenses reimbursed to or paid on behalf of employees for moving expenses will be treated as taxable income to the employee. (添加. 2-18]


  • 人力资源(员工职位)
  • 教务长和执行副总裁办公室(教员任命)(添加 .. 2-18]

M. 异常. Unique circumstances that may require an exception to this policy must have prior written approval from the Division of Finance and Administration. 请联系采购服务部. (添加. 2-18]



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